Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Chip being able cure disease?

Could you imagine being able to put a chip in your brain to cure a disease. To control people with seizures or even for someone who lost a limb be able to control an artificial arm. The University of Florida is right now researching on how to cause a small chip in the person brain to eventually cause a person that is complete paralyzed to use prosthetics. The research right now is being used on rats to try and control people with seizures that have epilepsy’s and paralysis. This would be really cool if they could come up with a chip to do this. It is still in the research as of right now. By Jen Hight
work cited
"The future of medicine: Insert chip, cure disease?." June,24,2007 Web.13 Aug 2009. .

Being able to back up you immune system

Wouldn't it be cool to put a spare set of your immune system on ice. Well now a days people can for $800 to take the initial sample of white blood cells. Then you would have to pay $25.00 a month. This could help with people HIV and other autoimmune diseases. The Us Food and Drug Admission just gave permission to do it. But they are having problems with some of the white blood cells freeze. Some of them aren't working out. But in the future they plan on being able to back up you immune system. By Jen Hight
Work Cited
Coghlan, Andy . "Create a back-up copy of your immune system." June,22,2007 Web.13 Aug 2009.

Stop the bleeding by Gel

The nanohealing is to hit the markets soon. It's a gel that is use to stop bleeding and a doctor name Floyed Loop says that when doing surgery on the brain and heart with removing tumors that their is a lot diffuse with bleeding around the site and because of that you have to spend a lot of time sponges and cautery. If the were able to use the nanohealing this will help with least time spend during the surgery and also help prevent the cause of more operations to happen. This could even help to reduce the risk of infection. This product they are open to get out soon for the first responders at accidents and even on the battlefield. It also has a long shelf date so it can be in the first aid kits. Loop does caution though that they need to do further test to make sure it works on non surgical applicants. So it's still being tested out which they are testing it on animals such as mice. They plan to soon have a clinical trial soon.
Work Cited
Bullis, Kevin. "Nanohealing Material Heads to Market." 5/12/2008 Web.13 Aug 2009.

Parts of the project for the artifical Womb

In the first picture is what Liu and her team put were able to put together the artificial womb with a mouse. Then in the second picture it shows the Diary of the mouse. What is going on in the days like the fifth day and seventeenth day.
The Pictures
Reynolds, Gretchen . "Artificial Womb Picture Gallery." 2009 Web.13 Aug 2009. .

The Artifical Womb

In the future scientist are experiment with a artificial womb. Where people who can not have babies can soon have one. Also that gay couples would be able to have a child. The "Scientist at Cornell University have grown mice embryos in manmade, bubble shaped wombs".(Future for all) Not only will this help people can't have babies it can also help premature babies to developed. The research on this has gone pretty in detail a lady named Hung-Ching Liu and her team from Cornell Univertsy were able to" successfully grown a sample of cells from the lining of a human uterus and had tissues engineering technologies to shape them like a womb".(Newson) The even put a human fertilized egg into this womb but the experiment was ceased after 6 days because of legal limits on the human embryo experiment. Also if you are pregnant and are having problems they would be able to transfer your baby to an artificial womb until it ready for birth. This I think could be pretty cool so that people who really want a child have one if this cannot. Plus if you have a problem carrying your baby then theirs an option to help keep it alive. But what about the bonding part you have with your baby when its in you? How will woman be able to bond with the child as it's growing inside? I know when I pregnant I had a bond with my son. By Jen Hight
Work Cited
"Artificial Womb." 2005-2008 Web.13 Aug 2009. .
2.Newson, Ainsley. "From fetus to full term - without a mother's touch." 2009 Web.13 Aug 2009.
3 Photo is from
Reynolds, Gretchen . "Artificial Wombs ." 2005 Web.13 Aug 2009. .

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Captive Touch Technology

Use of Captive touch technology, also known as touch screen technology, is expected to grow within the next ten years.

Since an overwhelming majority of Americans use a touch screen device at least once a day, it’s not surprising to see the value in all that capacitive touch has to offer. From car navigation touch screens to aviation, the touch screen phenomenon is far from over. Even bars in Las Vegas have touch screen technology inside them where customers are able to write on the bar, draw and play with light. Soon, patrons will be able to set their check cards onto a touch screen table and instantly pay for their meal. The digital camera created a boom for digital pictures and all accessories that went with it. Touch screens of the future will allow users to play with their digital images using a virtual scrapbook tool, enabling photos to enlarge and shrink, flip and move.

Much much more touch technology is heading our way and perhaps new touch security will come with it. Instead of anyone being able to touch your capacitive touch screen, phone or car screen, a fingerprint lock will only allow the registered user to have access. In less than 10 years, we will not only continue to talk about capacitive touch technology, we will be listening with it, wearing it and standing on it.


Adapted from

Microsoft has done it again!

I this video montage by Microsoft one can see their plans for the future. At a conference in 2009, Stephen Elop, a member of the Senior Leadership Team at Microsoft showed a longer version of this video to show what Microsoft has in store for businesses, schools and society in the next ten years.

Stephen Elop ~ "So I'm going to show you a video, a video of 10 years from now, and what we are working toward. Everything in this video is based on research and technology explorations from across Microsoft, and throughout the industry. This is not science fiction, nor is it Hollywood imagineering. Every single thing here is something that could be real, and I'll spend more time on that after we go through the video. Watch carefully because in every frame there's something new and advancing in terms of how technology will enable the improvement of productivity for businesses and individuals."
