Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stop the bleeding by Gel

The nanohealing is to hit the markets soon. It's a gel that is use to stop bleeding and a doctor name Floyed Loop says that when doing surgery on the brain and heart with removing tumors that their is a lot diffuse with bleeding around the site and because of that you have to spend a lot of time sponges and cautery. If the were able to use the nanohealing this will help with least time spend during the surgery and also help prevent the cause of more operations to happen. This could even help to reduce the risk of infection. This product they are open to get out soon for the first responders at accidents and even on the battlefield. It also has a long shelf date so it can be in the first aid kits. Loop does caution though that they need to do further test to make sure it works on non surgical applicants. So it's still being tested out which they are testing it on animals such as mice. They plan to soon have a clinical trial soon.
Work Cited
Bullis, Kevin. "Nanohealing Material Heads to Market." 5/12/2008 Web.13 Aug 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Hm this seems brilliant, i would have thought it'd have been thought of so long ago, but hey i never had the idea. Just the other day I was playing a game on my cousin's Nintendo DS, and it's like a medical trauma game, where you, the surgeon, must operate on critical patients. While in surgery, after anesthesia, making the incision and extracting tumors especially, my largest problem was controlling the outrageous blood flow! I could not imagine having some ones life in my hands and to have them bleeding uncontrollably. a gel seems such an amazing idea.
