Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Artifical Womb

In the future scientist are experiment with a artificial womb. Where people who can not have babies can soon have one. Also that gay couples would be able to have a child. The "Scientist at Cornell University have grown mice embryos in manmade, bubble shaped wombs".(Future for all) Not only will this help people can't have babies it can also help premature babies to developed. The research on this has gone pretty in detail a lady named Hung-Ching Liu and her team from Cornell Univertsy were able to" successfully grown a sample of cells from the lining of a human uterus and had tissues engineering technologies to shape them like a womb".(Newson) The even put a human fertilized egg into this womb but the experiment was ceased after 6 days because of legal limits on the human embryo experiment. Also if you are pregnant and are having problems they would be able to transfer your baby to an artificial womb until it ready for birth. This I think could be pretty cool so that people who really want a child have one if this cannot. Plus if you have a problem carrying your baby then theirs an option to help keep it alive. But what about the bonding part you have with your baby when its in you? How will woman be able to bond with the child as it's growing inside? I know when I pregnant I had a bond with my son. By Jen Hight
Work Cited
"Artificial Womb." 2005-2008 Web.13 Aug 2009. .
2.Newson, Ainsley. "From fetus to full term - without a mother's touch." 2009 Web.13 Aug 2009.
3 Photo is from
Reynolds, Gretchen . "Artificial Wombs ." 2005 Web.13 Aug 2009. .

1 comment:

  1. This advancement is both a blessing and a curse. It is wonderful for couples who are not able to carry their own child and also for those who go into premature labor, but it is inevitable that it will eventually be used for other purposes. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I feel sorry for those who can not birth their own child, but I am also grateful for them. These are the people who adopt children that are in need of a good home. If these same people have the option to have a baby from their genes, what is going to happen to all the children that go up for adoption?
