Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The future of non-lethal weapons.

We have tasers, pepper spray, rubber bullets and bean bags projectiles but will these non-lethal weapons still be effective in the future. These forms of non-lethal response to violent offenders are what is currently being used but technology is advancing and so are the weapons. Experiments are being done on new types of non-lethal riffles. These riffles emit radio or sonic waves which cause discomfort and/or pain. Law enforcement now has the available choice to subdue individuals with knives or blunt weapons but these new weapons will help increase the distance they have to be when dealing with violent offenders.


  1. This is a great use of technology that benefits society by helping to protect our law enforcement agents. This allows police officers the ability to subdued suspect without needing to get in close or having to take a life. While the article mentions knives or blunt weapons, I wonder if someone with a gun could be stopped as well, maybe on a higher setting. It seems there are always a few case each year where a stray bullet hits an innocent bystander. Non-lethal weapons could be used for riot control as well. I hope once the technology is perfected we will see them in use in all states. I wonder if the military would use these types of non-lethal weapons in humanitarian or peacekeeping missions.

  2. I think this the best weapon choices that law enforcements should use. These non lethal weapons might be not as effective as a gun, but in some situations these weapons might be the best idea to use. It’s because lot of innocent people die accidently by police shooting or by other people. If in that case any of these weapons being used then there might be fewer fatally rate. For instance, if a robber runs away and the robber is most distant from the officer then they can use any of these weapons and sedate that suspect and take him/her into custody without any harm to the suspect. So these weapons might be the best idea to take care of those situations.

  3. I think non-lethal weapons are a good idea. Will this last though and what will it transform into after it has actually made it into society. Does someone really want to carry something so big around especially when it's non-lethal. A taser gun is smaller than that. I think this invention would be more effective if it was reduced to a smaller easier accessible weapon. Something that can be thrown into someone's purse or put into their pocket. The size of pepper spray can be a acceptable size. This was an interesting blog, I had no idea people were even looking to have something like this launch into society.
