Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Artifical Kidney

In May of 1940 a man name Willem J Kolff invented the first artifical kidney. The first way he made it was that he used 50 yards of sausage cassing wrapped, around a wooden drum set into a salt solution. Then from the patient blood is drawn from the wrist and is feed into the casting. Which from there is goes to the drum that rotates it and removes the waste . The for the blood to go back to the patient Dr. Kolff the copyed Fords water pump coupling. But that didn't work so later on he used orange juice cans and washing machine to build his machine. The first fifthteen people that used this machine died. So he had to re work everything so that it would work right. Finally he made it and this time he use blood thinners to thin out the blood and it work on a 67 year old women. This happen in 1945 and she lived 7 more years of her life. In the 1947 he sent a artifical kidney to Mount Sinai Hostipal in Manhattan. Here the physicans started being interest in artifical organs. After they improve the machines they started using them and over ten thouand people are using them today. Some of them even three times a week. By Jen

Roating Artifical
Kidney (1943)

Alwall Kidney
early (1960)

Life Magizine
April 28 1947

Work Cited
1. "Willem J. Kolff at 97." Boston. 2009. Boston. 23 Jun 2009 http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/obituaries/articles/2009/02/16/willem_j_kolff_at_97_dutch_inventor_of_artificial_heart_and_organs/?page=2.

2.Goro, Fritz . "This image from the archives of LIFE magazine, which first appeared on April 28, 1947,." 2009. 23 Jun 2009 http://www.squidoo.com/groups/kidneydialysis.

3."Haemodialyser." 2007. Historical Aspects. 23 Jun 2009 http://www.historyofdialysis.com/HaemodialyserDetails.html.

4."Hall of fame Inventors profile." 2002. National Inventors Hall of Fame. 23 Jun 2009 http://inventors.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.invent.org/hall%5Fof%5Ffame/1%5F1%5F6%5Fdetail.asp%3FvInventorID=88.


  1. I think that you blog idea, an integrated approach focused on Quality of life from many different perspectives is awesome! If the world is improving things, inventing and making technological advancements, Quality of Life is an excellent thing to focus on! It must be terrifying when your body starts to fail, but the technology that’s been invented to continue the workings and performance of organs. I am astounded at the early stages of the artificial kidney, sausage casings and the size of the machine!? It’s remarkable to see the progression of medical aids and also see societies Quality of Life improving!

  2. This group has a broader way of thinking. They choose a broader theme. I like post about artificial kidney. In 1940 Willem J Kolff invented first artificial kidney. This was a very interesting post. This post says first fifteen people who used the machine died. He had to work on it again to make better. In 1947, he sent his artificial kidney to Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. It also says that 10,000 people are using it today. Today, the medicine has found artificial organs such as artificial heart, lungs and almost every single organ. Only one organ is yet to be replaced by artificial advancement, which is brain. The researchers are working on it. The medicine has grown so much in last 50 years. This advance in medicine has saved so many lives.
