Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First Vaccinattion

The first vaccination was by Edward Jenner. The for first time he used it was on a boy and once he injected the vaccine he found out that they boy was immune to small pox. He then published the small pox vaccine by the 1798. After he did that within three years 1000,000 people in Britain was vaccinated. In the 1954 the disposable syrings, and needles were made. This is how Dr. Jonas Salks was able to vaccinate millions of American childern with the Salk polio vaccine. By Jen
Bells, Mart. "History of the Vaccination Needle ." 2007. About. 23 Jun 2009 .

1 comment:

  1. I was born in 1957 and remember lining up in the school gymnasium to receive Jonas Salk's polio vaccine. There were children in my neighborhood who were permanently disabled by the crippling effects of polio. The small scar on my left shoulder seemed a small price to pay for protection from the dreaded disease of polio. Besides, it was my first tattoo. Eventually, the polio vaccine became an oral vaccine. Vaccinations worldwide have saved millions of people and animals from death from infectious disease. We now have the Gardasil vaccine which hopes to protect our daughters from cervical cancer. The technology of vaccine production must be everchanging in response to new strains of flu like the recent "swine flu" (H1N1) virus outbreak. Science and technology march on!
