Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Technology = Failures???

You can't possibly get a good technology going without an enormous number of failures. It's a universal rule. If you look at bicycles, there were thousands of weird models built and tried before they found the one that really worked. You could never design a bicycle theoretically. Even now, after we've been building them for 100 years, it's very difficult to understand just why a bicycle works - it's even difficult to formulate it as a mathematical problem. But just by trial and error, we found out how to do it, and the error was essential.

~Freeman Dyson

Do you think most technological advances were brought on by trial and error or through a well though out plan?


1 comment:

  1. You know, not only in technology, but whatever it is that we do, we will never get it right, until we get it wrong the first time, especially when it comes to technology. Technology is used for many things, if you can recall some of our discussions, which are mostly based on what technology has done, and it continues to do for us. It has come a long way, and am pretty sure that it had a few failures on the way to get where it has gotten. This is a very good post, sure technology has failures, but it always picks itself up. When creating cars, have you seen how many tests they have before they put it in the market? And the rides that we ride in amusement parks? and so on.. So I'm with you on this one, there will always be a failure before it gets fixed. :)
