Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Radar Love

You've all seen the troopers on the side of the road. Arm hanging out the window holding that dreaded radar gun. Where did it come from? Who created this device which has helped police pull over those not abiding by the speed limit?

The radar gun was invented by Bryce K. Brown in March of 1954 and first used by Illinois patrolman Leonard Baldy. A radar gun is basically a mini Doppler radar unit which calculates the speed of an object in its path. The original gun had to be held in a stationary position for it to work. Unfortunately for the speeders today there are now two types of guns: the hand held one which needs to be stationary and the newer version mounted to cars which are able to work while the vehicle is in motion.

Work cited:

"Radar Gun." Wikipedia. Wiki posting modified. 1 June 2009. Wkimedia Foundation. 24 June 2009.


  1. The Radar Gun is definitely not something I wish was invented! I remember one day going over the speed limit about 5 mph and seeing a cop stick the gun out and immediately turning on his lights and pulling me over. I guess that is what I get for not following the speed limit, it is really cool to see the new one that they have in their cars and then they can just immediately pull someone over instead of pointing the gun!

  2. Oh my gosh that sucks! Very interesting post though, I definitely always hated that radar gun but never knew where it came from or who invented it. It worked well enough when it had to be stationary but now they advanced it? I can’t believe that something so seemingly unimportant is still being advanced. We only pay attention to the important things like TV’s and computers but not the things that can get us into trouble. Nice blog and keep posting!

  3. The radar gun, man i hate this invention. I have been pulled over several times for speeding. Three of those times a radar gun caught my speed. There is really nothing you can do about that either as long as the thing is calibrated, your screwed.

  4. The Radar Gun- a nice invention for all the speed violators. I hope it is as effective as it sounds. My husband works in a hospital and lately I`ve been hearing so much about accidents with bad consequence because of speed violators. If you would ask me I think authorities must me stricter with regard to speed. Even though the fines are high I think they should be even higher. It is people`s life we are talking about. And to all of you who like to play with speed on the road think about how many people you are risking each day. Those people have a family to come back to at the end of the day. With one life that goes away it can destroy many other lives. I really don`t like to drive and I do it only because I have to. I think driving means responsibility people must take on themselves before they speed on the road.
