Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Way Doctors started to Listen To Peoples Hearts and Lungs.

The history on stethoscopes before they were around. The Hippocrate who is also known as the father of medicine In the 350 B.C he wanted to improve instruments and medicine. First thing they would shake the patients shoulders, so that they could hear the sounds that would come from the chest.But then Hippocrate then started to use the method, that if you put your ear directly to the chest that you be able to hear the fluids that was in the the chest. In the picture of above is where doctors were using the method of listen to peoples chest by putting their ear on their chet. By Jen
Worked Cited
Medical Antiques Online, "The Monaural Stethscope." 1998-2006. Web.23 Jun 2009.

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