Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Philo Taylor Farnsworth, established his first corporation, Farnsworth Television Incorporated, in 1929 where he transmitted the worlds first television image of a young woman in a laboratory on Spetember 7th 1927. Farnsworth had designed the image dissector, an early electronic television camera tube, when he was only 15 years old!! "Farnsworth's other patented inventions include the first "cold" cathode ray tube, an air traffic control system, a baby incubator, the gastroscope, and the first (albeit primitive) electronic microscope."(2)

Work Cited


  1. Sometimes I question what’s next? By asking me what kind of innovations holds in store for us? The only answer to that is we’ll never know. Just imagine just about 50 years ago, when the televisions were first introduced and look at how much we have progressed in those years. It seems like every year something new comes out and makes the past technology obsolete.

  2. That thing doesn’t even look like the televisions we have today. Today we have 60” HD Flat screens. To think that they originated from that contraption is unbelievable.
