Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cyber Police

As computer crimes of all types increase law enforcement officials must create new laws and task forces to deal with these cyber crimes. From local to federal agencies, all are getting involved to handle these new computer crimes. Criminals have found new and creative ways to harm the public with out leaving their own homes. The agencies deal with crimes such as viruses, on-line predators/pedophiles, identity theft, and inter net fraud.

"Should I cut the green one?"

Responding to a bomb threat can be a scary situation but when you arrive on scene to find there really is a bomb, your nerve level sky-rockets. Fortunately for today's law enforcement personnel they have a tool to use to keep them out of harms way. They now have the use of special robots to remove/dispose of dangerous devices. No more big and bulky suites or worrying about tamper proof devices, now you just watch a TV screen while controlling a robot with a joy stick. Today's bomb disposal experts can safely diffuse and remove dangerous devices while maintaining their personal safety by staying at a safe distance.

Non-lethal choice for violent actions.

Not too far in the past when law enforcement officials faced a violent person who had bats, pipes, swords knives or any other non- firing weapon the only option was to shoot. With today's development they now have many options instead of using deadly force. They are also an affective tool with suicide intervention. Pepper spray and the taser gun are the most commonly used in law enforcement. The pepper pellet gun was created to assist police when dealing with windy conditions or to help keep the distance between an assailant and themselves. Since the disaster of 9/11 certain companies are testing the use of these non-lethal weapons as a way to subdue individuals in the tight confinements of an aircraft. The creation of these weapons has help to reduce death or serious injuries to officers, suspects, prisoners or even innocent bystanders.

The real "Underarmor"

The soft version of the bullet proof vest has been around since the 1800's but with many years of testing and modifying the vests of today are much better. Thanks to science and testing, manufacturers of bullet proof vest have been to provide protection to the many men, women and even K-9's. The standard vest will protect the wearer from most fired projectiles or shrapnel. They have tested many different fibers and the way these fibers are woven together determine the best pattern of protection. Currently they are testing new materials such as fluids which harden when an impact occurs, ceramic materials and even spider silk. Although these vests are capable of stopping bullets most still do not protect against sharp, pointed objects such as knives and arrows. With out this important invention many lives would have been lost from those who risk their lives to keep us safe every day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Diaper Video

In this video with Pam Smith she teaches on how to change a diaper. This video could be really helpful for people who just had a child and don't know how to change it. You wouldn't have to be embrassed to learn either. You just can go online.
By Jen Hight

Disposable Diapers

Disposoable Diapers some will say would not be in the profession that I am going in. But in reality it is and the reason for this is because if you work in the nursery at a hostipal and they were still using cloth diapers I am sure they would ruin out. They would have to have work just washing diapers all day long. Also another thing is that the place I am at right now is elderly people and putting a cloth diaper on them I don't think would work to good. The first cloth diapers came out in 1887 by a lady name Maria Allen. Then by the disposable diapers came out in the 1949. To many people this was a great thing. It may a little more expensive but it's worth it.
Bellis Mary,Web29.2009
also the picture is from
By Shawn February 3,2008
Web July29,2009
by Jen Hight

Fetal Monitor Video

To show the way a fetal monitor works, and if you could really hear the heartbeat. On this video you can hear a heart beat of a fetus that the mother has only been carrying for 26 weeks.
by Jen Hight

The Fetal Monitor

Another thing that we have now a days is the fetal monitor. This invention to me was one of greatest things in the world. I remember when i pregnant with my son and if I got scared because he didn't move around as much. I would just put the headphones on and be able to listen to my son's heart beat through the fetal monitor. Which in 1960's is when to professors named Prof. K. Hammacher and Hewlett-Packard came up with this was the first" commercially available non-invasive fetal monitor".(Bellis) The first one "HP 8020-A fetal monitors which were also known as the babysitters"(Bellis) came out for customers in the Spring of 1968. This was able to tell the "fetal distress during labor". (Bellis) Not only during labor now they can use them at belly check appointments. Or you can even buy one at the store. It's a very helpful equipment.

Bellis,Mary. "fetal monitor inventor. "Web 29.2009.

The Fetal Monitor picture came from American Academy of physicans. May 99
by Jen Hight

Ultra Sound Video

In this Video it shows an utlra sound being done. You will be able to see the size of the baby also.
by Jen Hight

Ultra Sounds

Ultrasounds scans have been around since the late 1950's. The Obstetic Ultrasound is what is used for pregnacy to see the fetus in the belly. The equipment that is used is called a real-time scanner. This real-time scanner is the "continous pictures of the moving fetus can be depicted".(Woo) Also the machine has sound waves durning the ultrasound that run "between 3.5 to 7.0 megahertz'.(woo)Some of the other things that ultrasound also do is you hear the fatus heartbeat. It could tell rather or not the fetus has a fetal heart and even some malformations of the fetus. Other thing that it can tell you is the "gestaronal age,size and growth in the fetus."(woo) Another thing that a ultra sound can do is tell the gender of the fetus. But that all depends on the fetus. The can only tell if its postion right.
Woo,Joseph."Obstetic Ultrasoud." 2006 Web.29 July 2009.
by Jen Hight


A group of engineers working for a Spanish company, Turtle Airships, is working to build a luxurious solar powered blimp that could carry passengers from New York to Paris silently and emissions free. The outer surface for the giant airship will be covered with photovoltaic cells that are expected to provide enough energy to move the ship at 40 mph under normal weather conditions. This blimp and other similar designs have large carrying capacities, exceeding that of todays largest jet aircraft which makes them viable for cheap and efficient transport of trade goods internationally.

Green Beer

A new technology makes beer green! A project, funded partly by the Australian government will employ the use of microbial fuel cells to generate energy from waste water at the Foster's Brewing Co. production plant. The use of the new fuel cell arrives as the food and beverage industry face pressure to become more environmentally friendly. This technology not only provides energy but also leaves behind clean water and much less CO2 then other means of production.

Swimming with the sea creatures

The Innerspace Dolphin and other water vessels are designed to look and behave like actual dolphins. They have a small engine in the back and controls that allow the driver to dive, jump, barrel roll similarly to a dolphin. The smaller of the dolphin models costs around $50,000 and became available this spring for water enthusiasts world wide. Dolphin boat concept is came from variable attitude submersible hydrofoil that was invented by Dusty and Doc in 1987 who’s real names are Thomas Rowe (as Doc) and Dennis Kaiser (as Dusty).

Eco Invasion

Each ecosystem has its own balance of plants and animals established over long periods of time. When non-native species from other ecosystems are introduced this can devastate these environments by reducing biodiversity, altering genetic diversity and transmitting exotic diseases to the species already in the ecosystem. Hot zones for non-indigenous species have occurred in places such as Florida where aquatic habitats have been drained or modified to make way for development. Aquarium releases, government bio-control, planting fish for sport fishing and international trade also contribute the rise of invasive species. The most invasive species in the world is quite possibly humans. Tourism and trade brings ships, jets, supplies, people and alien species to every corner of the world faster and more frequently then would occur in nature.

GM Foods

"In 2006, 252 million acres of transgenic crops were planted in 22 countries by 10.3 million farmers. The majority of these crops were herbicide- and insect-resistant soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, and alfalfa. Other crops grown commercially or field-tested are a sweet potato resistant to a virus that could decimate most of the African harvest, rice with increased iron and vitamins that may alleviate chronic malnutrition in Asian countries, and a variety of plants able to survive weather extremes." Improved taste and quality, reduced maturation time of crops, increased crop nutrients and stress tolerance, improved resistance to disease, pests and herbicides are among the many benefits of genetically engineered food products.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tech Essentials for Business

According to there are ten tech essentials that every new businesses needs and while technology can be expensive, this article lists a number of ways to stretch your business dollar and not break the bank.

It is amazing to think at one time to run a business all you needed was a pen, paper, calculator and somewhere to put cash, now everything is being done electronically. Having a strong technology base can help to make a business more efficient and stronger than its competitors.

The top ten tech essentials are:

1. Desktop Computer

2. Broadband Connection

3. Laptop

4. Smartphone

5. Website

6. Accounting Software

7. Office Suite Software

8. Printer

9. Data Back Up

10. Internet Marketing

Check out the website below for more info.


Live Chat - The New Online Salesperson Helping Businesses

According to this article found on, online sales chats are helping online businesses increase sales and rapport with their customers. They are even helping to seal the deal with those sometimes hard to sell sales.

Online web chats and IM's have been popular in the past, but this old technology has undergone a recent face lift and has emerged as the face and voice of many businesses personal salesperson, ready to help a customer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The only thing about this salesperson is that you can not see them, shake their hand or look into their eyes and see if that deal they are giving you really is true.

Many online businesses have made online sales chat a part of their website or e-commerce site. These online salespeople can answer questions about products, find information on pricing and approach potential consumers by offering guidance and assistance. With the addition of online sales chat, some businesses have seen increases of sales of 10% in just a short amount of time.


Tweet, Tweet!

Twitter, created in 2006, is a social networking site that allows users to send messages of 140 text characters (known as tweets) to one another and to people who are registered to receive one's updates. Originally created as just a social networking site to exchange quick snippets of ones daily activities, thoughts and ideas, Twitter has expanded its role by helping business owners. In this post the author describes ways that Twitter can be useful to a business including brand extension, team building, and fast sharing of information, news and ideas.

Check out these two articles about how Twitter has been helping businesses grow.


Smart Phone really is smart!

The smart phone is a Mobile device that allows the user to have access to a variety of different applications including email, Internet access, keyboard, music, texting, and of course making and receiving phone calls. Even though it is small it is mighty as well. Most people think of smart phones as mini computers because they share many of the same capabilities, but as you can see the smart phone is much, much smaller. A number of business owners are using their smart phones to conduct their business from any location. As you can see in this commercial from AT&T, as long as you have your smart phone you can move your office anywhere- even on a bus!



In this video Coco-Luxe owner, Stephanie Marcon, describes has she uses the technology of today to help her small business grow. Coco-Luxe is a small business the specializes in chocolates and confections. They have used numerous technologies to help expand their business and make working easier and more efficient. Stephanie has implemented computer programs to track expenses, track inventory and for sales and purchases. She uses graphic design software to create her unique packaging and to create custom works of art for her clients. She recently expanded to the word wide web by creating an e-commerce website so that people from all over the world can get her delicious treats delivered right to their front door. All I have to say is yum!
