Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tweet, Tweet!

Twitter, created in 2006, is a social networking site that allows users to send messages of 140 text characters (known as tweets) to one another and to people who are registered to receive one's updates. Originally created as just a social networking site to exchange quick snippets of ones daily activities, thoughts and ideas, Twitter has expanded its role by helping business owners. In this post the author describes ways that Twitter can be useful to a business including brand extension, team building, and fast sharing of information, news and ideas.

Check out these two articles about how Twitter has been helping businesses grow.




1 comment:

  1. I can see where twitter would be good for businesses. Companies could announce sales,new store locations, store hours, upcoming products, or any other news about the company. I think twitter could have a bigger impact on society, specifically the entertainment industry. Many famous people already have twitter and use it to tell everyone about everything they are doing in their lives. Actors will use it to announce release dates for upcoming movies, rappers and bands will use it to announce tour dates and release dates for albums. Another thing that twitter will do is cause controversy for those same celebrities. It is already happening right now because so many people just write whatever they are feeling on blogs like twitter. They don't think they just type and once you put something out there like that you can't take it back.
