Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Smart Phone really is smart!

The smart phone is a Mobile device that allows the user to have access to a variety of different applications including email, Internet access, keyboard, music, texting, and of course making and receiving phone calls. Even though it is small it is mighty as well. Most people think of smart phones as mini computers because they share many of the same capabilities, but as you can see the smart phone is much, much smaller. A number of business owners are using their smart phones to conduct their business from any location. As you can see in this commercial from AT&T, as long as you have your smart phone you can move your office anywhere- even on a bus!




  1. Smartphones have been on the rise with the mass appeal of the iPhone from Apple and various Blackberries from RIM. Microsoft is expected to release version 6.5 of Mobile Windows and Google has made their mobile operating system Android available. Online stores for these OSes seems to be the big thing right now. Apple once again lead the way with the others either recently launching their stores or have plans in the works. There are plenty of good applications available to help augment work and add entertainment. Having used different Smartphones, I find them to be fine for quick edits, emails, some web browsing, note taking, and playing games, yet nowhere near powerful enough to get serious work done one. I wonder if the increasing use of netbooks (many now will cellular technology being built in) will erode the market share of the Smartphone. I think the Smartphone is a great stepping stone to getting society familiar with multi use devices. I cannot wait to see what the future brings.

  2. Yes good post! Smart phones are indeed like mini computers. They can now perform all the same basic functions of a computer only you can take it with you wherever you go. This is truly convenient and I think that the smart phone is a huge breakthrough in the world of cell phones. It makes me wonder, will at home computers eventually become obsolete? Cell phones are very quickly evolving and are capable of doing more things everyday. Since new phones today have the full “qwerty” keyboard, it probably won’t be long before we can write papers on our phones.

  3. Home computers will never become obsolete. It is just much easier and faster to type on a full size keyboard rather than on a mini pda qwerty phone pad. Plus the screen on a desktop or laptop is infinity better than the small phone screens. People have to be able to fit a phone in their pocket, so phone screens bigger than the current ones seem pretty improbable. Smart phone with windows do indeed have Microsoft office on them, so writing papers, making power point presentations, and making excel spreadsheets on mobile phones has been possible for a while now. Although i don't know if anyone will be able to make quality presentations without using a full size computer. It is just a lot easier on a home computer.
