Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ultra Sounds

Ultrasounds scans have been around since the late 1950's. The Obstetic Ultrasound is what is used for pregnacy to see the fetus in the belly. The equipment that is used is called a real-time scanner. This real-time scanner is the "continous pictures of the moving fetus can be depicted".(Woo) Also the machine has sound waves durning the ultrasound that run "between 3.5 to 7.0 megahertz'.(woo)Some of the other things that ultrasound also do is you hear the fatus heartbeat. It could tell rather or not the fetus has a fetal heart and even some malformations of the fetus. Other thing that it can tell you is the "gestaronal age,size and growth in the fetus."(woo) Another thing that a ultra sound can do is tell the gender of the fetus. But that all depends on the fetus. The can only tell if its postion right.
Woo,Joseph."Obstetic Ultrasoud." 2006 Web.29 July 2009.
by Jen Hight

1 comment:

  1. Ultrasound technology has always amazed me. The way you can see the baby growing and moving this mother’s stomach is unbelievable. This post says, we can choose to have a 3-D picture. That is just remarkable. The evolution of technology has helped us in many different ways; one of them is medical field. The technology has taken the medical field to a whole new era. I used remember back in the day when I was a kid, X-ray was a new and very expensive technology. But now you can find x-ray machine in almost every hospital. This shows improvement of technology in 15 years. The medical technology has helped us in a huge way. Now doctors can perform laser surgery. They can also perform/show/teach another doctor in another country. So the technology has gone beyond my imagination. I can’t wait for the next new medical invention. The medicine field has grown so much in last 50 years. This advance in medicine has saved so many lives.
