Thursday, July 30, 2009

Non-lethal choice for violent actions.

Not too far in the past when law enforcement officials faced a violent person who had bats, pipes, swords knives or any other non- firing weapon the only option was to shoot. With today's development they now have many options instead of using deadly force. They are also an affective tool with suicide intervention. Pepper spray and the taser gun are the most commonly used in law enforcement. The pepper pellet gun was created to assist police when dealing with windy conditions or to help keep the distance between an assailant and themselves. Since the disaster of 9/11 certain companies are testing the use of these non-lethal weapons as a way to subdue individuals in the tight confinements of an aircraft. The creation of these weapons has help to reduce death or serious injuries to officers, suspects, prisoners or even innocent bystanders.


  1. I think it is great that there is a choice for non-lethal violent actions. In many of cases, the officer or person needs protected, but does it always require a lethal way! The fear of firing live ammunition in a crowd offers possibility of innocent people being harmed. I believe the art of having these devices is that is causes for less random mistakes. Some may argue the science of it and that it could have negative outcomes too. In order for some of these non-lethal devices to be accurate and on point there needs to be a close range of contact with the person. Society as a whole would definitely need accurate training just as in any case with a weapon for safety measures. I do feel society does benefit from having these devices. It is easier for women to carry around a laser gun than a gun for protection! I do not feel at all that this technology will empower live ammunition devices, but will aid in their accuracy.

  2. I completely agree. To be able to have access to and use non-lethal weapons as defense will really help out our society. We live in such a violent society now it's rare a day goes by where the mention of a shooting or a vicious beating isn't heard. I think with the help of these weapons, such as the rubber bullets, that we can maintain just as much order and just as much safety as one can toting around a firearm. Don't get me wrong, I'm an avid lover of real handguns, but in a scenario with a lot of bystanders or a crowded room, one can't just start firing randomly and hope to hit the right guy. With these new improvements in non-lethal technology the hope is to cut down on fatalities and improve morale as a whole. And I think in a few years, technology will be so advanced that they can make these weapons extremely accurate even at far distances.
